Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet
Eat a Balanced Diet Along with Dietary Supplements and Avoid Some Items
Copyright © 2014 Kelly Smith; all rights reserved; content may not be copied, rewritten, or republished without authors written permission; Authors Google profile; Posted January 23, 2014
The factors which trigger a case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are currently not proven and in fact are not well understood. There are no universally-established tests used to make the diagnosis.
Rather the condition is usually diagnosed by checking off a number of symptoms. These can include, among others:
- Being tired for more than a day after physical or mental exercise.
- Muscle pain or aches.
- Headaches of a new type, pattern, or strength.
- Pain or aches in joints but not presenting swelling or redness.
- Not feeling rejuvenated after sleeping
Diet may Trigger Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
There is some speculation that diet may be a factor in bringing on a case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are some people who are pursuing strict vegan or vegetarian lifestyles whose bodies do not adequately produce enough nutrients that are necessary to stave off malnutrition and promote acceptable nervous system activity.
Some of these nutrients include fatty acids, ribose, and CoQ10. Malnutrition and poor nervous system activity can cause many of the same symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In this case, introducing these back into the diet may solve the problem.
In other cases, gluten intolerance may cause a condition which mimics the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Gluten is a protein component of grains such as barley, wheat, and rye.
Eliminating these grains from the diet for a time to see if the symptoms go away is advisable and if this proves effective the grains may have to be eliminated on a permanent basis.
Diet may Bring Relief from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Some experts researching Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diets believe that a low carbohydrate diet, combined with anti-viral drugs to combat the overproduction of a strain of candidiasis yeast may lead to a reduction of symptoms.
A general consensus recommends consuming a balanced diet, specifically including ample protein. Foods to avoid include:
- Refined sugar
- Nutrasweet (aspartame) and monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Fried foods and those with high saturated fats
- High-calorie foods
- Cigarettes and other tobacco products
At this time there are a number of supplements undergoing scrutiny to see how they might fit into a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diet plan. For example glutathione shows promise in several areas.
When a sufferers body is for some reason not able to eliminate toxins, they build up in places of characteristic muscle pain causing the transmission of pain signals through the nerves.
The introduction of glutathione assists the body in deconstructing the toxins so that the buildups may be eliminated.
Magnesium is also showing some promise. While it is not a cure, it has given some patients a measure of pain relief and allowed a more normal sleep pattern.
The effort to find new and innovative ways to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome via the diet is an ongoing process. Some progress has been made in individual cases but the hope is that soon an all-encompassing treatment will be found.
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